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L'Académie d'Orgue de Saint-Maximin
est organisée par L'Association
"Les Orgues de Saint-Maximin
Jean-Esprit ISNARD"

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en partenariat avec

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Organ Courses 2012

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5th Organ Academy

Training course

Handling a great 18th century historical instrument. Study of the proposed works, in the evolution of the repertoire, detailed theoretical and practical approach.

Everyday, courses on the organ, theoretical classes, personal work on the Isnard organ and the instruments of study available to the trainees.


from Friday, July 27th

9.30 am : Welcome of the participants and planning of the training course, course on the organ, theoretical courses, personal work on the Isnard organ and the instruments of study given to the trainees

6 pm: welcome reception in the City hall

on Sunday, July 29th

5 pm: Concert by Philippe Bardon

on Monday, July 30th

One day meeting with Michel Chapuis*

on Sunday, August 5th

5 pm : Audition of the trainees
7 pm : Closing and graduation ceremony

Theme 2012 : France-Germany musical exchanges.

On the influence of French music : works by Bach, Grigny, Raison, Böhm, Guilain, Bruhns, Buxtehude, Gigault… or how to play Bach and his masters on a French classical organ.


* subject to change

Académie d'orgue de St Maximin  email   Conception.Réalisation Agence NikO - Administration